Security System: Security in Ax was created to make the system more intuitive and flexible and also easier for the administrator to setup.
With the version of 3.0 the configuration and security system was introduced. This is an extension of the feature key system.
The feature keys are replaced by the 2types of keys: Configuration and Security. Means the double functions the feature keys previously had is now replaced with 2 types of keys each having ONE function.
Feature keys allows us to turn on and off the application functionality without having to customize the entire application and changes on user basis User Groups\\Feature Key permissions like read only such as Field Level security and Functionality a user needs to see ex: If AR person than no need too access the Production Series and so we can remove access by unchecking the check box.
Configuration keys: are used to enable and disable the functionality, to acquire the Configuration functionality we need to have already uploaded License information in to our Ax system. Setup is done from Administration\\Setup\\System\
Security keys: Having setup the configuration keys, security must be considered. Security keys are used to control the access to the functionality for users. Security keys can be setup for user groups. Security keys control access to the tables, menu items.
Security keys are used almost every where the feature keys were except for indexes, fields and types. Why not used for these objects?
Indexes: The performance of indexes must be available to all the users and every where the object is used.
Fields: Security on fields must be setup from the user group permissions forms, under the table they belongs to.
Types: Security can only be applied to fields, making the concept if indirect access obsolete (Outdated/Out of date)
Setup is done from Administration\\Setup\\
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